Making Seder Out of the Zoom Seder Controversy

Shlomo Zuckier surveys and analyzes the debate over Zoom Seders during coronavirus.

(How) Can we Know Orthodox Judaism is True?

In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Steven Gotlib reviews the recently published collection of essays, Strauss, Spinoza, and Sinai: Orthodox Judaism and Modern Questions of Faith, which tries to answer: is there a philosophical defense of Orthodoxy in the modern world?

Teaching Talmud in the 21st Century: A Student Voice

Dan Jutan, Dov Greenwood, and Meir Kerzner explore the fundamentals of Jewish Education.

If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel...

Miriam Gedwiser Sometimes, returning to a familiar text uncovers something new. In this essay, I hope to reexamine the story of the Oven of Akhnai...

Faithful Quotations: Of Saying, Bringing, and Citing

Authors mis-citing citations on authors citing authors. What gives? Yiddish.

Capra Dei, or Had Gadya: Isaiah 53 and Jewish Redemption

Aton Holzer offers a novel interpretation of Isaiah 53 based on current events in Israel.

A Eulogy for Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz zt”l

Over the course of decades, Rabbi Lenny Matanky of Congregation KINS and Ida Crown in suburban Chicago worked very closely with Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz on countless sensitive communal matters. Rabbi Matanky shares the eulogy he delivered this past Thursday for his great mentor.

Aleinu and Genesis: Against the Twin Idolatries of Universalism & Ethnonationalism

Does the Torah support a universalist or ethnonationalist political orientation? In this timely essay, Ezra Zuckerman Sivan explores the meaning behind key stories in Genesis through the framework of the Aleinu prayer.

The Tension that is Tanakh

Yaakov Beasley looks at Hayyim Angel's scholarship and evaluates it as an exemplar of Modern Orthodox Bible study.

Animating the Dialogue – A Review of Yeshiva Days: Learning on the Lower East...

Sima Fried reviews Jonathan Boyarin’s Yeshiva Days, illuminating the challenges of examining a community as both an insider and an outsider.