The Ending of All Endings: In memory of my Zeida, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm,...

Tova Warburg Sinensky shares her stirring eulogy for her Zeida Dr. Norman Lamm zz"l, offering a glimpse of her grandfather's unyielding support of his granddaughter, then a young lady searching for a deeper connection with God.

In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm: Some Personal Reflections         ...

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter of Yeshiva University and The Jewish Center shares divrei hesped for his rabbinic predecessor and role model, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zz"l.

Torat Hashem Heftzo: Finding Wonder in Torah Study

Rabbi Kenneth Brander, head of Ohr Torah Stone, explores what the daily blessing on Talmud Torah can teach us about how to foster religious continuity.

Ve-Atah Banim Shiru La-Melekh – People Over Angels on Shavuot

What can a medieval piyut (and famous modern chassidic tune) teach us about people's superiority over angels? Yitzchak Szyf explores how our Shavuot liturgy proclaims man's partnership with God in Torah.

My Rebbe – Rav Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch

Rav Yoni Rosensweig remembers his rebbe, HaRav Nachum Rabinovitch zz"l.

Did the Prophet Amos Predict the Women’s Siyum Daf Yomi?

Yaakov Jaffe explains how Biblical grammar and parables come together in Amos to teach us about women's Talmud Torah.

When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up...

When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up His Torah Reading? Moshe Kurtz weighs in.

Orthodoxy’s Response to Biblical Criticism: A Review of Joshua Berman’s Ani Maamin

Joshua Berman, a leading Tanakh scholar, has written a compelling book that addresses head-on many of the challenges posed by biblical criticism. Michael Harris explains.

Climate Change and Prayers for Rain and Dew

By examining the prayers for rain and dew through the lens of meteorology and Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Lonely Man of Faith, Chaim Trachtman presents a unique religious model for thinking about climate change.

The Exodus, America’s Ever-Present Inspiration

Stuart Halpern explains how, when faced with uncertainty, danger, and personal and communal hardships, Americans have turned to the story of the Exodus for inspiration.