R. Eliezer Berkovits’ Faith and Freedom Passover Haggadah

Ross Singer reviews the Faith and Freedom R. Eliezer Berkovits Haggadah, compiled by Reuven Mohl.

A Chicken, a Golem, and the Scientific Revolution

How did early modern rabbis respond to the Scientific Revolution? Eli Clark reviews Maoz Kahana's new book A Heartless Chicken.

Of Sages, Prophets, and Politics from the Pulpit

Jason Herman examines whether or not rabbis should talk politics in shul.
Norman Lamm

Rabbi Norman Lamm and His Crusade for the Jewish Home

Zev Eleff explores how the Jewish family anchored Rabbi Norman Lamm's sermons and thought during the destabilizing 1960s.
Rav Shagar

On Subjectivity and Pluralism: Sparks of Rav Shagar’s Thought

Udi Dvorkin offers a plea to take Rav Shagar at his full value, which means reading him in the original Hebrew.

“You’ve Always Had the Power”: On Women and Wizards and Rabbis (Oh My!)

Sarah Rindner draws on L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz, and what the classic story says about the role of women in Orthodox Judaism.

Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? Evaluating the American Biblical Tradition

Did the Founding Fathers derive their biblical values from the Hebrew Bible, or just the Old Testament? Yisroel Ben-Porat reviews "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land."
Berkovits _ Judaisim

Judaism in a New World: The Pain, the Paradox, and the Prayer

Dov Berkovits reflects on his father, Eliezer Berkovits's legacy, his philosophy and attitude toward halakhah and the Jewish people.

Serpentine Psychology and Booming Babel

Shalom Carmy argues why Torah u-Madda is more relevant now than it ever was.

When Things Go Back to Normal

Given the duration of the pandemic, should we suffice with waiting to return to normal, or are there hard-fought lesssons we can reintroduce even once the pandemic passes? Lehrhaus Consulting Editor and Director of Education at Sefaria, Sara Wolkenfeld, uses our recent experiences to gain new perspective on what tefilla, minyan and shul are really all about.