Orthodox Survey

Everything You Wanted to Know About Surveying the Orthodox Community—And Why the Recent Research...

In response to Matt William's critique, Nishma's Mark Trencher defends his method and points to the challenges of surveying Modern Orthodox Jews.

This Graphic Novel is a Bible Commentary. But What Kind?

David Zvi Kalman reviews Koren Publishers’ new graphic novel version of Megillat Esther.

Should the Bible be Translated in a Gender-Sensitive Way?

Martin Lockshin reviews the Jewish Publication Society’s latest Bible translation, the JPS Tanakh: Gender-Sensitive Edition.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Theory of Education

In this review of a new book by Aryeh Solomon, Ilan Fuchs explores how for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teaching and learning are a sacred calling leading toward spiritual growth.

What’s Missing In “The View From Pew”

Responding to results from the recent Pew survey, Hillel David Rapp argues that we can limit Orthodox attrition by addressing the bifurcation of Jewish and general learning in high school.

What’s Divine about Divine Revelation?

Responding to Tamar Ross’s article from two weeks ago, Steven Gotlib argues for a more traditional understanding of Divine Revelation.

Remembering Rabbi Simcha Krauss z”l

Seth Winberg reflects on the life and accomplishments of a unique Talmid Hakham.
Rabbi Lamm

Creation in a Chaotic Decade: Rabbi Lamm in the 60s

Lawrence Kobrin recalls Rabbi Norman Lamm's 1960s emergence as a pivotal Orthodox rabbi in Manhattan and Jewish intellectual.

(Mis)Quoting Scripture in American Politics

AJ Berkovitz offers a charitable perspective on American politicians' apparent errors in citing the Bible.

Must Creativity and Rigor be Either/Or?

In his review of Michael Hattin’s commentaries on the books of Joshua and Judges, Francis Nataf explores how greater collaboration between creative Tanakh teachers could help reduce the number of overly speculative readings.