Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters

Hillel David Rap responds to Jordan Soffer and Jay Kelman.

How the Student Poland Experience Has Changed

The Poland trip has become de rigueur for Modern Orthodox gap-year students. But seismic changes in contemporary Poland and shifting trends in Modern Orthodoxy mean that the content and meaning of these trips are different than they used to be. David I. Bernstein, who has been leading Poland trips since 1992, tells the story of the student Poland experience, then and now.

The Yom Kippur War and Yeshivat Har Etzion: Letters from a Talmid

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, published here are excerpts from letters of an American student studying in Israel in 1973. These letters, written during and immediately after the war, shed light on Yeshivat Har Etzion in its formative years and the lasting impact of the Yom Kippur War.

Life Between the Lines

Rav Dov Zinger discusses his innovative perspective on education, and why its important to listen to what happens beyond the back and forth of the classroom.


William Kolbrener offers insight into the intellectual underpinnings of the Rav's 1932 interview recently re-published by The Lehrhaus.

“I’d Fast a Second Day”

Julie Goldstein reflects on her recent Yom Kippur experience and why it matters for Orthodox women everywhere.

Schools Need Leadership, Too: The OU and Day School Education

Sara Wolkenfeld contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Letters to the Editor: More on Shadal and Modern Orthodox Outreach

The back-and-forth about Shadal and Modern Orthodox kiruv continues. Here are letters to the editor by Daniel Klein and Simon Levy.

Compartmentalization and Synthesis in Modern Orthodox Jewish Education

David Stein comments on the state of Modern Orthodox education.

Demystifying Day School Tuition

James Wolfe outlines the vision for a new website meant to democratize day school information.