What role should young children play in the post-COVID synagogue?

Yaakov Jaffe argues that kids would be better served by coming to shul for the beginning of the Shabbat davening rather than the end.

Torah u-Madda Thirty Years Later

Elana Stein Hain explores how the frameworks offered by the humanities can mesh with our Torah-driven lives.

Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters

Hillel David Rap responds to Jordan Soffer and Jay Kelman.

“I’d Fast a Second Day”

Julie Goldstein reflects on her recent Yom Kippur experience and why it matters for Orthodox women everywhere.

Forty Years Later: The Rav’s Opening Shiur at the Stern College for Women Beit...

Forty years ago, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik changed women's Torah education forever. Rabbi Saul Berman tells us how that happened.

And Even If Parents Are Present …

Continuing the Yitzhak paradigm, Rabbi Yaakov Bieler offers another perspective on the nuances of Jewish education.

Torat Hashem Heftzo: Finding Wonder in Torah Study

Rabbi Kenneth Brander, head of Ohr Torah Stone, explores what the daily blessing on Talmud Torah can teach us about how to foster religious continuity.

The Opaque Ceiling Hovering Over Women’s Torah Study: A Reply to Judah Goldberg

Chaim Saiman responds to Rabbi Judah Goldberg on why women's advanced Talmud classes haven't advanced.

The Four R’s: An Orthodox Educational Framework for Engaging with Biblical Criticism

Thanks in part to several new publications, portions of the Orthodox world have been engaging with modern biblical scholarship in a more significant way than ever before. Gil Perl provides a four-step framework for how Jewish days schools might profitably teach many aspects of biblical criticism that do not conflict with our mesorah.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Theory of Education

In this review of a new book by Aryeh Solomon, Ilan Fuchs explores how for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teaching and learning are a sacred calling leading toward spiritual growth.