Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece

What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out

“They should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the...

In commemoration of the shloshim of Rabbi Simcha Krauss z"l, Dan Margulies offers a moving reflection of his teacher.

Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?

Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.

Why I Don’t Miss Shul on Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur as a mother, explored by The Lehrhaus's Leslie Ginsparg Klein

Passover’s Rupture and Reconstruction

Yosef Lindell argues that the Haggadah focuses on the story of the Exodus rather than on the laws of the paschal sacrifice as a way of looking forward towards the future redemption.

A Rosh Yeshiva in an Ivy League University

Channa Lockshin Bob Editor’s Note: We are running a number of pieces for the sheloshim of Professor David Weiss Halivni z"l. For Elli Fischer’s introduction...

The Challenges of the Gaza War and Growing Antisemitism

Yosef Blau, Senior Mashgiah Ruhani at Yeshiva University, wonders about the direction of Religious Zionism after October 7 and considers the role of Modern Orthodoxy outside of Israel.

Rosh HaShanah And God’s Battle for Compassion

Akiva Mattenson writes on the relationship between God and Judgement.

Teshuvah, From the (Dis)comfort of Your Own Home

After six months suspended between quarantine, isolation, and uncertainty, it’s natural to want to run away from home, especially as Yom Kippur looms and we realize it’s time for a change. But, as Matthew Nitzanim explains, this understandable reaction would miss the point of Teshuvah: everything we need to work on is right here, wherever it is we find ourselves.

This Graphic Novel is a Bible Commentary. But What Kind?

David Zvi Kalman reviews Koren Publishers’ new graphic novel version of Megillat Esther.