Ode to a Nightingale

A passionate sonnet by Yocheved Friedman in memory of the Rav, zt'l.
binding of isaac

Some Thoughts on the Binding of Isaac

Jerome Marcus on the Akeidah: It's not about ethics vs. divine command, but about Hashem versus Elokim!

“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...

Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef

Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow

Zach Truboff draws on personal experience in considering the place of Yizkor on Yom Tov.

The Fox and the Chair

Ayelet Wenger offers a creative, intertextual reading of the story of Rabbi Akiva and the Wolf on the Temple Mount.

On the Other Hand: An Opposing View on Politics from the Pulpit

Eliezer Finkelman offers his thoughts on politicizing from the pulpit.

Military Might as Reluctant Religious Virtue: The Bizarre Inclusion of Genesis 14 in Tanakh

Abraham’s participation in the war of the four kings against the five fits uncomfortably in the broader narrative of his life. Rabbi Mark Glass argues that this Abrahamic episode articulates a core Torah perspective on military might.

Corona and Seder-ing Alone

How was the original Seder experienced, and how do we constitute a Jewish collective? Joel Levy and Leon Wiener-Dow argue that the collective must begin with the independent-minded individual.