Reflections on Rav Aharon Lichtenstein’s Sixth Yahrtzeit

It has been six years since Rav Aharon Lichtenstein passed away. In reviewing a 2018 collection of essays by Rav Lichtenstein’s students, Alan Jotkowitz reflects on what we have lost and the void that remains.
jonathan sacks

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Portrait of Moses

In honor of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’s 70th birthday, Ari Lamm explores his legacy as a biblical commentator.

Elijah’s Elusive Cup and the Challenge of Memory

James Diamond takes a fresh approach to Maimonides's Passover theology and "Elijah's Cup."

The Legacy of Rav Moshe Kahn zt’’l

In commemoration of the upcoming Sheloshim of Rav Moshe Kahn, Mindy Schwartz Zolty shares a Hesped of her teacher in which she discusses his derekh ha-limmud and his derekh as a melamed.

The Hasmoneans as a Paradigm for Modern Jewish Sovereignty

R. Shimshon Nadel explores the connection between the Hasmonean dynasty and the modern-day State of Israel.

The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch

Francis Nataf considers the legacy of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.

“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...

Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef

binding of isaac

Some Thoughts on the Binding of Isaac

Jerome Marcus on the Akeidah: It's not about ethics vs. divine command, but about Hashem versus Elokim!
Cadets training to be IDF Rabbis

With Pain and With Might: Reserve Duty on the Northern Front

Gilad Goldberg describes the bewildering experience of reporting for emergency reserve duty on October 7.

American Orthodox Jews Can and Should Care About Whether Liberal Judaism Thrives

Roberta Kwall weighs in on the state of non-Orthodox Judaism and how it affects Orthodoxy.