A Purim Teaching for our Time: Malbim’s Proto-Feminist Commentary on Esther

Purim - Armed with feminist and political theory, Don Seeman probes the depths of Malbim's Esther commentary.

Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog?

David Moster explores the meaning of Peri Etz Hadar.

The Power of Secrets: Jacob, Laban, and the Passover Haggadah

What led the Rabbis of the Seder to present Laban as a more diabolical enemy of the Jews than Pharaoh? Erica Brown shows how Laban took advantage of Jacob's insecurities as he arrived empty-handed at Laban's home.
jonathan sacks

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Portrait of Moses

In honor of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’s 70th birthday, Ari Lamm explores his legacy as a biblical commentator.

The Prophets Did Not Take Political Stands, and You Should Too

Alex Ozar comments on preaching politics from the pulpit.

Cantillation: Some Observations – Part 1

William Gewirtz explores the value of cantillation.

A New Coffee-Table Humash is a Gateway to Academic Biblical Scholarship

As we begin to read Sefer Shemot, Yosef Lindell explores Koren Publishers' new series, The Tanakh of the Land of Israel, the first volume to use Rabbi Sacks’ Humash translation.

Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow

Zach Truboff draws on personal experience in considering the place of Yizkor on Yom Tov.

Yom Kippur, Fasting, and the Poor: Considering the Message of Isaiah 58

With Yom Kippur in view, Shlomo Zuckier presents a close reading of Isaiah 58.

A Call For a New Modern Orthodox Humash

A call for a new Modern Orthodox Humash, and a history of the current ones, by Yosef Lindell.