Rahab, Jeremiah, and the Story of Purim

Shimon Lerner uncovers a surprising but profound message that goes to the very heart of the Purim story.

Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Koller’s Unbinding Isaac

Zvi Grumet reviews Aaron Koller’s new book on the Akedah and evaluates his surprisingly novel approach to this formative biblical story.

Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter

Susan Jablow on reading Tanakh through the eyes of a ba'alat teshuva

First Fruits (Bikkurim) and the Talmudic View of Capital: An Essai in the Philosophy...

Bezalel Naor explains what is philosophical about the erstwhile halakhic observances of the Shavuot holiday.

Between Shabbat and Lynch Mobs

Ezra Sivan asks what light the narratives of Shabbat and the scouts shed on some critical social questions.

Tola ben Puah: Savior of Israel

With only two verses about him in the Book of Judges, not much is known about Tola ben Puah. Ami Hordes takes clues from his story's text and context to paint a fuller picture of who the judge was and why he was important.

The Sacrifice of Obedience

Shlomo Zuckier asks what we can learn from Shaul's mistakes in this week's Haftara.

Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor?

Ezra Sivan probes the Sabbath and the Torah's call to love God.

What Does God Want from Humanity? A New Perspective on the Creation Chapters

Yakov Nagen examines the opening chapters of Genesis to explore what God wanted from people for matan Torah.

Review of After Adam

Laurance Wieder's After Adam was named the Book of the Year in 2019 by First Thing's John Wilson, but has been largely overlooked in the Jewish community. The Jewish Review of Book's Michal Leibowitz seeks to remedy this in her review of Wieder's lyrical retelling of the Bible.