(Mis)Quoting Scripture in American Politics

AJ Berkovitz offers a charitable perspective on American politicians' apparent errors in citing the Bible.

Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader

Batya Hefter explores Moses' development as a leader

Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter

Susan Jablow on reading Tanakh through the eyes of a ba'alat teshuva

Review of After Adam

Laurance Wieder's After Adam was named the Book of the Year in 2019 by First Thing's John Wilson, but has been largely overlooked in the Jewish community. The Jewish Review of Book's Michal Leibowitz seeks to remedy this in her review of Wieder's lyrical retelling of the Bible.

Get Your Hashkafa Out of My Chumash!

Yaakov Jaffe provides an ideological argument against including ideology in our Chumashim.

Hendiadys in the Pre-Shofar Acrostic Prayer: An Introduction to an Overlooked Principle of Biblical...

In unpacking the meaning of a tricky verse from Eikhah that we say as part of the Shofar service on Rosh Hashanah, Mitchell First introduces us to the literary principle called hendiadys, which can help us understand various phrases throughout Tanakh.

Letters to the Editor: The Boundaries of Torah u-Madda

The dynamic conversation continues with three letters to the editor widening our perspective on Torah u-Madda. Steve Gotlib grapples with the challenges of living Torah u-Madda in the real world; Ezequiel Antebi Sacca adds a Sephardic view from Argentina; and Eugene Korn adds insight to the Jewish view on Christianity.

On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism

Commentary by @Jerome Marcus: why biblical criticism directs our attention to the wrong way to read any good book, never mind The Good Book.

The Prince and the Precedent: Genesis 34 in its Socio-Legal Context

How should one respond to ominous cultural trends that have not yet had a direct impact? Alex Maged's thoughts on the rape of Dinah.