When Shabbat first provided a Taste of the World to Come

Our modern Shabbat experience has been called "a taste of the world to come." But was this the case for the first Shabbat in the desert? Ezra Zuckerman Sivan considers the question.

The Sacrifice of Moses

David Fried argues that the question of Moses seeing the face of God reveals the tragic choice Moses made in choosing between his own spirituality and that of his people.

Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader

Batya Hefter explores Moses' development as a leader

Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor?

Ezra Sivan probes the Sabbath and the Torah's call to love God.

Revelation Deferred but not Denied: the Golden Calf as a Rabbinic Origin Story

Amitai Bin-Nun provides a fresh and intriguing perspective on the story of the Golden Calf by reading it in light of the Talmudic passage in Menahot detailing an encounter between Moses and R. Akiba on Mt. Sinai where God is tying crowns to the letters of the Torah scroll.

Wherefore Art Thou, Moses?

What does Shakespeare have to say about the Exodus, Moses, and the power of storytelling? Shaina Trapedo explores how the Bard's work can speak to us during this unprecedented Pesach season.

Three in One: Creation, Exodus, and Equality

Ezra Sivan presents a new analysis of Shabbat and how it throws light on so much more in the Torah.

From Storage Cities to the Tabernacle: Building a New Civilization

Daniel Berkove shows how parallels between the building of the Tabernacle and the building of Pharaoh's storage cities shed light on the differences between civilizations that those structures represent.

The Difference Between Lo Tahmod and Lo Tit’avveh: An Insight Based on the Hitpa’el

Mitchell First explains the difference in the wording of the tenth commandment in Exodus and Deutoronomy in light of a grammatical insight by Benno Jacob.

The Gift of Shabbat as the Trace of God’s Caring Hand on our Faces

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan explains how an enigmatic passage in Masekhet Shabbat teaches us how we can use Shabbat to connect to an oft-hidden God.