Demystifying R. Eliezer Waldenberg on Sex Reassignment Surgery
Tzvi Sinensky carefully examines the Tzitz Eliezer’s view on sexual reassignment surgery.
Vaccines, Hysteria, and Rabbinic Responsibility: A Plea from the Trenches
Jeremy Brown comments on the history and necessity of vaccination in the Jewish community.
Sexual Assault: A Torah Analysis and Its Modern Implications
Rena Kosowsky compares the treatment of sexual assault in the Bible and the Talmud, and explores the implications of what that means for how we should address it today.
Cross-Dressing and Cross-Conduct: When Lo Yilbash Meets Contemporary Western Culture
Moshe Kurtz examines the Torah’s prohibition on cross-dressing as a lens to view the shifting contemporary gender norms.
Civilian Casualties in the Light of Halakhah and Ethics: Revisiting Rav Shaul Yisraeli’s Analysis
Aryeh Klapper analyzes Rav Shaul Yisraeli’s classic work on civilian casualties in Halakhah.
The Jewish Leap Day: A Halakhic Analysis of a Calendar Conundrum
The secular calendar has its leap day on Feb. 29. On the Jewish calendar, our leap day is 30 Adar I, since Adar in a non-leap year always has 29 days. Yaakov Taubes explores all of the Halakhot pertaining to this unique day.
Michael Broyde Responds Regarding Abortion, Halakhah, and Secular Law
What exactly did Rav Moshe Feinstein hold regarding our obligations toward secular law? Does Halakhah distinguish between the first forty days and afterward for gentiles? Michael Broyde responds to his critics.
Should American Orthodox Jews Have Fasted on July 12, 2024?
Yaakov Jaffe and Menachem Butler explore the Halakhot of when fasting is proper and when it’s not.
“Justice has not Been Done”: Officer Immunity and Accountability in Jewish Law (Part 2)
David Polsky meticulously explores officer immunity in Halakha and compares it with the American legal standard of qualified immunity.
The OU Paper: Three Lenses
Elli Fischer contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.