The Unique Obligation of Healthcare Workers to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

Sharon Galper Grossman and Shamai Grossman examine Halakhic sources regarding whether physicians and other healthcare workers have a greater requirement to receive the COVID-19 vaccine than the rest of the population.

Vaccine Triage in Jewish Ethics – an Intermediate Approach

Aryeh Dienstag and Penina Dienstag respond to the articles by Sharon Galper-Grossman, Shamai Grossman, and Alan Jotkowitz regarding vaccine allocation.

One Day, One Chapter; Four Recitations and Four Themes in Psalm 24

Yaakov Jaffe explores four themes of Psalm 24 as recited on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.

A Night of Watching in the House of the Rav

Bezalel Naor translates and contextualizes a poem by Pinchas Peli about the home of Rav Kook.

Questioning Belief and Belief in Questions

Steven Gotlib reviews Raphael Zarum’s Questioning Belief: Torah and Tradition in an Age of Doubt.

Pidyon Shevuyim and the Pandemic

Jesse Lempel argues that the halakhic category of pidyon shevuyim might extend to prisoners held in unsafe conditions, safe as during the current pandemic.

Darkness We Have Come to Dispel: Between The Light of Hanukkah and the Black...

Mois Navon explores what makes Hanukkah so special.

A More Holistic Halakhic Approach to Vaccine Inequity

Alan Jotkowitz disagrees with Sharon Galper Grossman’s and Shamai Grossman’s halakhic argument that wealthy nations should provide booster shots to their own populations before contributing doses to poorer countries.

Why Doesn’t Abraham Get to Enjoy the Weekend?

Ezra Sivan compares biblical covenants, the all-important circumcision of Abraham and Shabbat

Giving Shape to Abstraction: Illustrating Redemption in the Book of Ruth

Benjamin Marcus was commissioned to create illustrations for an illuminated manuscript of the Book of Ruth. In this one-of-a-kind article, he shares his challenges, his discoveries, and his art.