Modeling Modernity: Revisiting the Rabbi Soloveitchik Paradigm

Chaim Trachtman contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Hanukkah or Hanoch-ah: Illuminating the Origins and Trajectory of an Apocalyptic Holiday

In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Aton Holzer sheds light on the hidden roots of Hanukkah–exploring the political and theological meaning of the holiday from the Second Temple period through the Talmud.

Judaism’s Hidden Road to Character

What do the wisdom of traditional Jewish texts and the recent findings of modern psychology have in common? Marc Eichenbaum finds commonalities in both to promote a character-driven approach to Jewish education.

A World Worth Knowing: Jewish Education’s Crisis of Curiosity

Dovid Campbell explores sources indicating that curiosity is a Jewish value.

The Non-Blaspheming “Blasphemer” and the Broader Ethic of the Episode

  Mark Glass I. It is fair to say that Sefer Vayikra is not known for its narratives. It is devoted, for the most part, to the...

Retiring My Modern Orthodox DeLorean

Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder and some reflections on "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

The Nazir and the Priest

Yoni Nouriel examines an episode in the Talmud where Shimon Ha-Tzadik describes his encounter with an impure Nazir.

Mirror, Mirror

Building on ideas from Jacques Lacan and Rabbeinu Bahya ibn Pakuda, Zach Truboff offers an innovative psychological reading of the Cain and Abel story.

A Principled Pesak and a Window into Pesak

Shmuel Winiarz contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Esther, Feminist Ethics, and the Creation of Jewish Community

How can the mitzvot of Purim reveal the feminist ethics of the Megillah? Aton Holzer offers an enlightening new reading of the Megillah, suggesting that there is a profound connection between the text's structure and its ethics.