Between “Reid” and Learning: Behag on Sefirat Ha-Omer
Tzvi Sinensky comments on the pitfalls of being overly dependent on the "Talmudic reid."
“Let Truth Spring Up from the Ground”: Truth’s Changing Role Throughout History
Natan Oliff explores the evolving role of truth throughout Tanakh and later Jewish history.
Review of After Adam
Laurance Wieder's After Adam was named the Book of the Year in 2019 by First Thing's John Wilson, but has been largely overlooked in the Jewish community. The Jewish Review of Book's Michal Leibowitz seeks to remedy this in her review of Wieder's lyrical retelling of the Bible.
Should Jacob have conquered Canaan?
David Curwin explores the evidence that Jacob may have made a fatal mistake in not conquering Canaan upon returning.
“Our Bread of Isolation”
How can we respond to a Seder during which it is prohibited to host guests? Yitzchak Etshalom and David Block each offer unique tefillot to be recited at our Seder table this year.
In Search of Modern Orthodoxy
In introducing his embrace of Rav Shagar, Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl details his personal journey of being initially excited, then disappointed with the writings of our...
An Ishbitz-Radzyn Reading of the Joseph Narrative: The Light of Reason and the Flaw...
Batya Hefter traces Joseph's character development through the eyes of the Ishbitz-Radzyn masters.
A Call for Order: Maimonides and the Mishnah
Yaakov Taubes explores the background to Maimonides’s explanation for how the Mishnah is ordered.
The Jewish Leap Day: A Halakhic Analysis of a Calendar Conundrum
The secular calendar has its leap day on Feb. 29. On the Jewish calendar, our leap day is 30 Adar I, since Adar in a non-leap year always has 29 days. Yaakov Taubes explores all of the Halakhot pertaining to this unique day.
The Beit Midrash in the Age of Snapchat
Shira Hecht-Koller
Earlier this year, Apple released the iPhone X. When the first iPhone was released in 2007, I was completing my second year of...