Rav Yehuda Amital and the Secret of Jewish Continuity

In commemoration of Rav Amital's seventh Yahrtzeit, Shlomo Zuckier shares Rav Amital's teachings on Jewish continuity, in Derasha form.

Rabbi Norman Lamm’s Theology of Anti-Racism

Shmuel Lamm examines Rabbi Norman Lamm's sermons for insights on a crucial issue.

The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors

Chaim Trachtman squares biology with Spinoza and Maimonides.

The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew

Zev Eleff on an endangered species, the so-called Non-Observant Orthodox Jew.

An Academic-Hasidic Love of Torah

Yakov Z. Mayer reflects on the life of a remarkable Hasidic academic.

The Utility of Ambiguity

Dina Brawer explores "certainty" and "doubt" in rabbinic tradition.

God, Torah, Self: Accepting the Yoke of Heaven in the Writings of Rav Shagar

Rav Shagar's postmodern insights on accepting the yoke of Heaven, for your pre-Shavuos reading pleasure!

The Breslover’s Song

Jerome Marcus responds to Bezalel Naor's earlier essay, delving further into the worlds of Maimonides and Rabbi Nahman of Breslov.

The Philosopher King and the Poet Messiah: Hellenic and Hebrew Republics Compared

In this essay, written in honor of Yom Yerushalayim, Bezalel Naor explores the differing visions for the ideal state held by Plato and the Rabbis, Maimonides and Rabbi Nahman of Breslov.