Reclaiming the Classical Sephardic Tradition: Tracing its Origins and Evolution
Avi Garson traces the rise and fall of the classical Sephardic tradition and calls for a renewed return to its fundamental principles.
Is Religious Tolerance a Jewish Idea?
Jonathan Ziring comments on the "Jewishness" of religious tolerance.
Reclaiming Torah u-Madda: A Symposium
The notion of Torah u-Madda—that Torah and secular studies can enrich each other—has been a byword in the Modern Orthodox community for decades. Yet some have claimed it is in decline. Over the course of the next few weeks, Lehrhaus is proud to present a symposium grappling with Torah u-Madda: how we got here, the challenges that have arisen, and how its meaning continues to evolve over time.
A Jewish Perspective on God’s Presence in Islam
Yakov Nagen examines attitudes towards Islam in Jewish thought.
The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar
Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.
Israel’s Light: A Response to Rabbi Meir Soloveichik
Rafi Eis responds to Meir Soloveichik on the role of Jews and Judaism in today's political climate.
Revival of the Forgotten Talmud
Sefaria has recently published a new bilingual digital edition of Talmud Yerushalmi. Taking stock of this development, Zachary Rothblatt offers an erudite synthesis of the history of Yerushalmi.
The Source of Faith is Faith Alone
Rabbi David Wolkenfeld explores the meaning of faith in this review of Rabbi Chaim Jachter's Reason to Believe
Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation
Gil Perl draws from Rav Shagar to argue that "Postmodern Orthodoxy turns its gaze inward toward the conflicts raging within the individual as he or she seeks out meaning and strives for relevance.
The Torah of the Kishkes
In honor of the recent release of Moshe Koppel's new Koren/Maggid book, Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures, Elli Fischer traces the decades-long trajectory of Koppel's "Torah of the Kishkes" philosophy of Judaism.