A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 2

In part 1, Gil Perl argued that Modern Orthodox is in need of a Hedgehog Concept and put forward Or (la-)Goyim as a candidate for that role. In part 2, he details what this might look like in practice and why it would appeal to our youth in a post-modern world.

Surrender or Struggle? The Akeidah Reconsidered

Herzl Hefter provides critical perspective on a stream of Akeidah interpretation from Kierkegaard to the Rav

Reclaiming the Classical Sephardic Tradition: Tracing its Origins and Evolution

Avi Garson traces the rise and fall of the classical Sephardic tradition and calls for a renewed return to its fundamental principles.

Separation of Powers and Majority Rule: Insights from the Talmud, Maimonides, Spinoza, and Mendelssohn

This article was written and accepted for publication in the summer of 5783/2023 and scheduled to appear after the holidays. Because of the outbreak of Israel’s “Iron Swords” war with Ḥamas following the murderous attack on Israel on Shabbat/Simḥat Torah (7 October, 2023), we agreed that publication needed to be postponed. Now, five months into the war with no end in sight, we are nevertheless witness to renewed political tensions, public demonstrations, disagreements and paralysis in appointing judges and the President of the Supreme Court, together with resumption of talk of the “judicial reform.” Despite the continuing tragedy of the war in the south and warfare in the north, a review of how our sources treat the separation of powers and majority rule may help us avoid repeating some of the mistakes of the pre-war political and ideological divisions in Israel and contribute to a more reasoned consideration of the issues.

Retiring My Modern Orthodox DeLorean

Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder and some reflections on "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary

Jeffrey Saks concludes The Lehrhaus series, mapping out the intellectual biography of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Reclaiming Torah u-Madda: A Symposium

The notion of Torah u-Madda—that Torah and secular studies can enrich each other—has been a byword in the Modern Orthodox community for decades. Yet some have claimed it is in decline. Over the course of the next few weeks, Lehrhaus is proud to present a symposium grappling with Torah u-Madda: how we got here, the challenges that have arisen, and how its meaning continues to evolve over time.

The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part IV: Arthur Green and Conclusion

Ariel Evan Mayse concludes his four-part discussion with the works of Arthur Green and the future of the Neo-Hasidism.

A Jewish Perspective on God’s Presence in Islam

Yakov Nagen examines attitudes towards Islam in Jewish thought.

The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.