What is Teshuvah? Contrasting the Rav and Rav Lichtenstein

Meir Ekstein contransts Rav Soloveitchik’s and Rav Lichtenstein’s respective approaches to Teshuva.

Hendiadys in the Pre-Shofar Acrostic Prayer: An Introduction to an Overlooked Principle of Biblical...

In unpacking the meaning of a tricky verse from Eikhah that we say as part of the Shofar service on Rosh Hashanah, Mitchell First introduces us to the literary principle called hendiadys, which can help us understand various phrases throughout Tanakh.

The Birthplace of Infertility

Infertility figures as a tragic theme not only on Rosh Hashanah but also in biblical narrative and modern life. This morning, Yael Leibowitz writes lyrically on The Birthplace of Infertility.

Coming Undone: Vows and the High Holy Days

Why is the annulment of vows so central to the High Holy Days? Wendy Amsellem discusses this, with a timely message.

“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...

Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef

“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...

Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef

binding of isaac

Some Thoughts on the Binding of Isaac

Jerome Marcus on the Akeidah: It's not about ethics vs. divine command, but about Hashem versus Elokim!

Two Paradigms of Teshuvah?

Yehoshua Pfeffer on self-abnegating vs. life-affirming teshuva.

Before, After, and During: Yehuda Amichai’s “Beterem”

In this timely article, Wendy Zierler examines how Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai's "Beterem" can provide readers with the inspiration they need leading up to the Days of Awe

Beyond Perfect Repentance

Eliezer Finkelman discusses the meaning of perfect repentance.