A Failed Attempt to Challenge the Halakhic Prenup

Jeremy Stern dissects the recent and supposed Israeli ban against the BDA prenup. 

How Can the Modern Orthodox Community Fulfill the Rav’s Vision for Women’s Talmud Study?

Rivka Kahan weighs in on the impact of the Rav's 1977 Stern College Talmud lecture and how the Modern Orthodox community can move forward.

From Madison Square Garden to MetLife Stadium: Transformations in Daf Yomi Siyumim

Elli Fischer looks back at 30 years of Daf Yomi celebrations.

OU—Enforce and Educate!

Shaul Robinson contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

A Kinnah in Kislev: The Enduring Elegy of Dolce of Worms

In honor of the yahrtzeit of Dolce, the wife of Rabbi Eleazar of Worms, Chaya Sima Koenigsberg explores Rabbi Eleazar's moving elegy for his wife and reflects upon Dolce's character as a model for Koenigsberg's own life and the lives of Jewish women today.

Forty Years Later: The Rav’s Opening Shiur at the Stern College for Women Beit...

Forty years ago, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik changed women's Torah education forever. Rabbi Saul Berman tells us how that happened.

The Mikveh Never Closed: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Mikveh

Last year at this time, when the pandemic brought tremendous upheaval to Jewish communal institutions the mikveh remained open for use. In this expansive piece, Mijal Bitton and Elana Stein Hain examine the communal response to mikveh during COVID-19, explore the experiences of women who chose to use--or not use--the mikveh during this time, and offer constructive recommendations for the future.

Tu be-Av and the Concubine of Givah

Tzvi Sinensky explores the Biblical origins of Tu be-Av.

Reclaiming Dignity Revealed

The new book Reclaiming Dignity is taking the Anglo Jewish world by storm. Why? Emmanuel Bloch, who wrote his dissertation on the subject of tzeniut, argues that the work capitalizes on and extends a new, revolutionary halakhic and conceptual framework for tzeniut that has emerged only in recent years - one that offers a lens to the “soul of contemporary Jewish Orthodoxy.”

A Year in Review – 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is delighted to highlight many of the thought-provoking essays we’ve published this year, with a diverse array of incredible thinkers and writers.