Professor Yaakov Elman: A Talmud Scholar of Singular Depth and Scope

Shana Strauch Schicks's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

Retiring My Modern Orthodox DeLorean

Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder and some reflections on "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

How Can the Modern Orthodox Community Fulfill the Rav’s Vision for Women’s Talmud Study?

Rivka Kahan weighs in on the impact of the Rav's 1977 Stern College Talmud lecture and how the Modern Orthodox community can move forward.

Abraham’s “Diminished” Weeping: An Orthographic Note Inspired by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Zt”l

There’s a miniature kaf at the beginning of the parashah. As Gabriel Slamovits explains, what the diminished letter says about how Abraham mourned for Sarah fits well with a prominent teaching of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, zt”l.

A Prayer at the Grave of Franz Rosenzweig

Elli Fischer's thoughts on visiting the grave of Franz Rosenzweig, founder of the original Lehrhaus

On the Educational Mission of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Seth Farber explores the Rav's 1932 in local Boston historical context.

The Making of a President for Yeshiva University

In a never-before-published memoir, Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein recalls the politics that surrounded Yeshiva University upon the death of President Bernard Revel and the search for his successor. 

Countering Counter-History: Re-Considering Rav Aharon’s Road Not Taken

Tovah Lichtenstein responds to and critiques Zev Eleff's counter-history, "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

Character And Covenant

Ben Frogel reviews a new volume that introduces thirty-five different Jewish approaches to virtue ethics and attempts to link them into one continuous tradition.

Remembering Professor Louis Feldman, z”l

Ari Lamm writes in tribute to the late Louis Feldman, examining his scholarship in light of personal experience.