Yaakov Elman and the History of Halakha
Shlomo Zuckier's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.
Rav Kook’s Space Odyssey
Bezalel Naor offers a stirring, other-worldly rendition of Rav Kook's poem "The Conversation of the Angels"
Leviticus, Leonard Cohen, and the Paradox of Rest
Sarah Rindner asks what the Book of Leviticus, Leonard Cohen and the Liberty Bell all have in common.
Rabbi Ozer Glickman: Reflections of a Talmid
Ariel Rackovsky reflects on the unique perspective and variegated legacy of Rabbi Ozer Glickman.
Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht and His Unintentional Revolution in Yavneh
Shlomo Abramovich explores the relationship and tensions between KBY and its founding rosh yeshiva.
Rav Lichtenstein on Wissenschaft in his Own (Yiddish) Words
Shlomo Zuckier presents Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's own thoughts on academic Talmud.
An Alternate View on Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study
Lawrence Kaplan
In his recent Lehrhaus essay “Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study,” Professor Avraham (Rami) Reiner proves himself to be a genuine disciple...
Challenges of the American Rabbinate from the First Rabbi in the Americas: In Honor...
Oran Zweiter
Rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, the first ordained rabbi to travel to the Americas, arrived in Recife, Brazil in 1642. The writings of...
Revisiting Mendelssohn’s Living Script
Tzvi Sinensky responds to Lawrence Kaplan and continues the discussion on Mendelssohn and Jewish law.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study
Rami Reiner breaks new ground, analyzing Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's view of academic Jewish studies.