Capra Dei, or Had Gadya: Isaiah 53 and Jewish Redemption

Aton Holzer offers a novel interpretation of Isaiah 53 based on current events in Israel.

Liturgical Repetition: When Singing Becomes Sacrilegious

With the High Holidays approaching, a time iconic for its songful liturgy, Moshe Kurtz scrutinizes the practice of cantors repeating words during davening.

Jewish Anarchism: The Forgotten Legacy of Orthodoxy’s Radical Politics

In an enlightening new essay, Ilan Fuchs reviews Hayyim Rothman's recent book, No Masters but God: Portraits of Anarcho-Judaism, and uncovers what some of the most radical 19th century Orthodox political thinkers had to say about religion, statehood, and Jewish utopia.

The Patron Saint of Rabbis’ Kids

The father heard the voice of God, Elli Fischer explains, but the son ends up with the blade on his neck.

On the Lomdus of the OU Responsum

Chaim Twerski contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Do Children Belong in Shul?

Moshe Kurtz explores halakhic and hashkafic considerations surrounding bringing young children to shul.

Decision-Making on Matters of Halakhic Public Policy or Meta-Halakhic Issues: Some Tentative Thoughts

Nathaniel Helfgot outlines decision making in matters of halakhic policy and meta-halakhah.

Politics from the Pulpit: An Epistemological Reflection

Politics from the Pulpit Redux: Don Seeman builds on Jason Herman.

Compartmentalization and Synthesis in Modern Orthodox Jewish Education

David Stein comments on the state of Modern Orthodox education.

Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman

Josh Rosenfeld delves into the world of Rabbi Menachem Froman.