Ve-Atah Banim Shiru La-Melekh – People Over Angels on Shavuot

What can a medieval piyut (and famous modern chassidic tune) teach us about people's superiority over angels? Yitzchak Szyf explores how our Shavuot liturgy proclaims man's partnership with God in Torah.

Letters to the Editor: More on Shadal and Modern Orthodox Outreach

The back-and-forth about Shadal and Modern Orthodox kiruv continues. Here are letters to the editor by Daniel Klein and Simon Levy.

That Which Is Beyond Your Gates

In this imaginative short story from David Zvi Kalman, as synagogue attendance shrinks, the buildings themselves begin to grow.

An Alternative History of American Modern Orthodoxy

Leah Sarna contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Did the Prophet Amos Predict the Women’s Siyum Daf Yomi?

Yaakov Jaffe explains how Biblical grammar and parables come together in Amos to teach us about women's Talmud Torah.

Should the Davening of the Tenth of Tevet Take Sides in a Talmudic Debate?

Several reasons are given in our tradition about the reason for the fast on the Tenth of Tevet. The liturgy for the day takes a stand on what the true reasons are, but Yaakov Jaffe questions whether this stand is the right one.

Book Review: Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History by Susan Weingarten

Yakov Ellenbogen reviews Susan Weingarten's Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History.

Shomron Kol Titein: Let the Silent Sisters Speak and be Consoled

Yosef Lindell examines why Shomron Kol Titein is a fitting conclusion to the daytime kinnot on Tisha Be-Av.

The Modern Orthodox Vote and the Episcopalian Turn

Why do Orthodox Jews vote the way they do? Zev Eleff builds a case, using some unconventional data. 

Beyond the Walls of the Synagogue: Prayer as a Virtue

With lyrical prose, Natan Oliff teaches us how to view prayer as a virtue and let it enter every aspect of our lives, making us into prayerful people.