The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: A Review of Alexander Kaye’s New Book

What motivated the first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Herzog, to work tirelessly on the seemingly quixotic project of running the modern State of Israel on the basis of Halakhah? Reviewing Alexandar Kaye's new book on the subject, Rabbi Shalom Carmy explains.

The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew

Zev Eleff on an endangered species, the so-called Non-Observant Orthodox Jew.

Shots for Tots: Halakhah and COVID-19 Vaccination for Kids

Sharon Galper-Grossman and Shamai Grossman discuss the obligation for minors to get vaccinated.

Yes, We Needed Another Modern Orthodox Prayer Book: A Review of the RCA Siddur

Yosef Lindell Introduction and History of the RCA Siddur If anyone had asked me a year ago whether the Modern Orthodox community in the United States...

The Four R’s: An Orthodox Educational Framework for Engaging with Biblical Criticism

Thanks in part to several new publications, portions of the Orthodox world have been engaging with modern biblical scholarship in a more significant way than ever before. Gil Perl provides a four-step framework for how Jewish days schools might profitably teach many aspects of biblical criticism that do not conflict with our mesorah.

When Law Fails Us: Lessons from Rabbinic Responses to Crimes We Cannot Punish for...

Sarah Zager puts #MeToo in conversation with the Talmudic discussion of the death penalty.

The Modern Orthodox Women’s Agenda, the Eighties, and Bottom-Up Opposition

Zev Eleff tells the story of "Orthodox women's issues" in the 1980s and its impact on today's religious scene.

Is Remix Judaism for Everyone?

Steven Gotlib reviews Roberta Rosenthal Kwall’s book Remix Judaism, which has an important message about navigating Jewish practice in the modern world for non-Orthodox and Orthodox Jews alike.

Women must learn and lead: A Response to Chaim Saiman

Sharona Margolin Halickman responds to Chaim Saiman on women's leadership.

Thoughts on Aliyah and the Akeidah from Israel at war

Alan Jotkowitz looks at the current situation in Israel through the lens of modern interpretations of the Akeidah.