Rak Shnenu

Unhappy Families: Elhanan Nir’s Rak Shnenu

The Agnon scholar, Jeffrey Saks, sees some Agnonian work in modern Israeli literature.

The Market For Halakhic Authority: Some Reflections on Gadolnomics

Aryeh Klapper It is my great pleasure to respond to Prof. Chaim Saiman’s characteristically erudite, well-reasoned, and provocative essay about Liberal Orthodoxy and “gedolim.” I agree entirely...

When Kaddish Becomes Currency: Mapping Out the Mechanics of Merit

Moshe Kurtz explores several halakhic questions concerning the recitation of kaddish for the deceased, all of which point to a larger discussion about how one can confer merit on someone else.

Why You Need to Read Daniel Deronda

Shalva Muschel offers some perspective on George Elliot's leading Jews and the newest attempt to gain a fuller appreciation of Daniel Deronda.

Yeshivish Women Clergy: The Secular State and Changing Roles for Women in Ultra-Orthodoxy

Laura Shaw Frank contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Shared Leadership: A Response to Ezra Schwartz and Nathaniel Helfgot

In response to recent articles by Ezra Schwartz and Nathaniel Helfgot on the issue of centralization, Jeffrey Fox offers a vision of collaborative, personalized pesak in the post-Covid era.

Shas’ Rav Ovadia: Omnipresent “Abba” Looks Down From Above

Meshulam Gotlieb responds to Shaul Seidler-Feller with his own interpretation of Shas' 2019 political campaign.

My Teacher, Professor Yaakov Blidstein ztz”l

After Professor Yaakov Blidstein's passing on Thursday, Marc Herman recalls his teacher's astonishing blend of scholarly creativity and intellectual humility.

A Call for Order: Maimonides and the Mishnah

Yaakov Taubes explores the background to Maimonides’s explanation for how the Mishnah is ordered.

Human Words: Rav Elhanan Nir’s “Intentions for Rosh Hashanah”

Levi Morrow provides an all-new translation of Rav Elhanan Nir’s “Kavvanot for Rosh Hashanah,” and analyzes how these theological poems speak about our relationship with God and prayer on Rosh Hashanah.