Semikhah and Mesorah: A Response to the OU Panel

Jeffrey Fox contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.
Orthodox Survey

Drawing The right Conclusions: A Defense of a Recent Orthodox Survey

Zvi Grumet responds to Matt Williams, defending his data and the social media tools used to obtain it.

The Pandemic Theology Dilemma: Preserve Normalcy or Embrace Crisis?

Shlomo Zuckier explores competing theological trends underlying rabbinic guidance at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic.

A Prehistory of Rav Kook

What can we learn from Rav Kook's writings before he immigrated to the land of Israel? As Yom Ha-Atzma'ut approaches, Levi Morrow reviews Yehuda Mirsky's new prehistory of Rav Kook.

Halakhah: Navigating Between Unity and Plurality

Aaron Segal reviews Staying Human by Harris Bor.

Ivri Anochi: A Tribute to the Paradox of Jewish Pride

Shlomo Zuckier takes a closer look at the cultural and theological underpinnings of this hit new Orthodox music video.

On the Other Hand: An Opposing View on Politics from the Pulpit

Eliezer Finkelman offers his thoughts on politicizing from the pulpit.

The Philosopher and the Mystic?

David Fried reviews Diana Lobel's Moses and Abraham Maimonides: Encountering the Divine, which argues that the categorization of Moses Maimonides as an Aristotelian philosopher and his son Abraham as a Sufi mystic is an oversimplification.

The Great Reckoning: Is It Time to Rethink Higher Education for Jewish Students?

In this next installment in our Israel symposium, Erica Brown argues that for Jewish students after October 7, choosing secular college is just not the choice it used to be.

Questioning Belief and Belief in Questions

Steven Gotlib reviews Raphael Zarum’s Questioning Belief: Torah and Tradition in an Age of Doubt.