Curriculum, Crisis, and Change: Towards a Talmud Curriculum Grounded in Educational Theory

David Stein with a fresh look at the methods and priorities of teaching Talmud in Modern Orthodox day schools.

Can We Cancel Tishah Be-Av? The “Four Fasts” in Light of the Miracle of the...

Shimshon Nadel examines the question of whether we should continue to fast on Tishah Be-Av in light of the existence of the Modern State of Israel.

Letters to the Editor: Responses to Jeff Fox on Football

Yoni Zolty and Jordan Soffer respond to Jeff Fox's recent article on football and halakhic values.

When Law Fails Us: Lessons from Rabbinic Responses to Crimes We Cannot Punish for...

Sarah Zager puts #MeToo in conversation with the Talmudic discussion of the death penalty.

“They should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the...

In commemoration of the shloshim of Rabbi Simcha Krauss z"l, Dan Margulies offers a moving reflection of his teacher.

Torah u-Madda for All?

Leah Sarna addresses the perceived disconnect between the ideal Torah U-Madda lifestyle and the gendered reality of advanced Torah study for women.

Charismatic Leaders and Spiritual Seekers: A Review of Jews in the Age of Authenticity

Yael Unterman reviews a new book exploring the limits religious authenticity and Judaism.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: An Open Secret

What led Rav Steinsaltz to inaugurate a yeshiva in the Soviet House of Sciences on February 22, 1989? In honor of R. Steinzlatz's sheloshim, Yehiel Poupko, a first-hand witness, offers a glimpse into the inner world of his mentor.

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are

Rivka Press Schwartz contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Challenges of the American Rabbinate from the First Rabbi in the Americas: In Honor...

Oran Zweiter Rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, the first ordained rabbi to travel to the Americas, arrived in Recife, Brazil in 1642. The writings of...