To Ensure Excellence in Jewish Education, Invest in Jewish Day Schools: A Response to...

Jordan D. Soffer offers an impassioned response to Hillel David Rapp on day school tuition.

What is a Jewish Classicist?

Simon Goldhill provides an entertaining and thought-provoking exploration of how Jewish scholars' religious identities impact their work in the field of classics.

Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein’s Novel Position on Women’s Talmud Study

The novelty of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings on women's Talmud study... explained, by Shlomo Zuckier!

Curriculum, Crisis, and Change: Towards a Talmud Curriculum Grounded in Educational Theory

David Stein with a fresh look at the methods and priorities of teaching Talmud in Modern Orthodox day schools.

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are

Rivka Press Schwartz contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Rabbi Warns Jews on Education: Advises Blend of Secular Study

In December 1932, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik had just arrived in Boston and outlined his vision for Orthodox Jewish education in the United States.

Building Upon the Rav’s Legacy in Women’s Learning

Ezra Schwartz The recently published account of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s inaugural shiur at Stern College has rightfully generated much conversation about women and Gemara study. In light of this appropriate benchmark of forty years,...

Torah u-Madda or Torah u-Movies?

Moshe Kurtz regales us with his love of science fiction & fantasy, suggesting that the genre’s literature, movies, and games can teach Torah lessons in ethics and morality, but cautioning that Torah u-Madda ought not to become Torah u-Movies.
Orthodox Survey

Everything You Wanted to Know About Surveying the Orthodox Community—And Why the Recent Research...

In response to Matt William's critique, Nishma's Mark Trencher defends his method and points to the challenges of surveying Modern Orthodox Jews.

What’s Missing In “The View From Pew”

Responding to results from the recent Pew survey, Hillel David Rapp argues that we can limit Orthodox attrition by addressing the bifurcation of Jewish and general learning in high school.