The Vital Principles of Judaism in Our beloved Country: An Early Twentieth Century...

Lehrhaus is proud to present Rabbi Henry Schneeberger's 1911 sermon in honor of Thanksgiving.

The Troubling Trend of Photoshopping History

Leslie Ginsparg Klein examines a new case of Orthodox censorship, contextualizing it within recent trends and religious culture.

Jung Earth Creationism: Two New York Rabbis Respond to the Scopes Trial

No two Orthodox rabbis think exactly the same way, particularly on the matter of Darwinism in the wake of the Scopes Trial. 

Looking for Gedolim in All the Wrong Places?

Ethan Tucker I am grateful to the editors of Lehrhaus for inviting me into this discussion and to my friend and colleague, Chaim Saiman, for...

Not in the Market for a Gadol

Wendy Amsellem While I greatly enjoyed reading Chaim Saiman’s thoughtful essay, “The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand,” nothing about it made...

The Market for Gedolim: A Symposium

A Lehrhaus Symposium dedicated to Chaim Saiman's recent article on gedolim.

New Links in an Old Chain

Netanel Wiederblank Prof. Chaim Saiman, in his illuminating article on gedolim, addresses the differing attitudes of Haredi, Centrist Orthodox, and liberal Orthodox communities. He astutely notes...

A Question of Perpsective

Miriam Gedwiser Chaim Saiman argues that the number of “gedolim” associated with a community - in this case, the modern and liberal Orthodox communities - is...

The Market For Halakhic Authority: Some Reflections on Gadolnomics

Aryeh Klapper It is my great pleasure to respond to Prof. Chaim Saiman’s characteristically erudite, well-reasoned, and provocative essay about Liberal Orthodoxy and “gedolim.” I agree entirely...

The Function of the Centrist Orthodox Gadol

Lawrence Kaplan I read Chaim Saiman’s essay, “The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand,” with growing excitement and admiration. Saiman’s shift of...