The Legacy of Rav Moshe Kahn zt’’l

In commemoration of the upcoming Sheloshim of Rav Moshe Kahn, Mindy Schwartz Zolty shares a Hesped of her teacher in which she discusses his derekh ha-limmud and his derekh as a melamed.

The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause...

Michael (Avi) Helfand offers an analysis of the legal battle between Susan Abeles’s and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).

Would the Rav Approve of the Soloveitchik Siddur?

Yaakov Jaffe on the Rav, prayer and Modern Orthodox Jews who wish to pray like the Rav.

Modeling Modernity: Revisiting the Rabbi Soloveitchik Paradigm

Chaim Trachtman contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

The Great Reckoning: Is It Time to Rethink Higher Education for Jewish Students?

In this next installment in our Israel symposium, Erica Brown argues that for Jewish students after October 7, choosing secular college is just not the choice it used to be.

Shabbat Morning Youth Groups: Implementing Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Inclusion Imperative

Zevi Fischer offers suggestions on how to implement Rabbi Moshe Feinstein's inclusion imperative.

Torah u-Madda or Torah u-Movies?

Moshe Kurtz regales us with his love of science fiction & fantasy, suggesting that the genre’s literature, movies, and games can teach Torah lessons in ethics and morality, but cautioning that Torah u-Madda ought not to become Torah u-Movies.

What role should young children play in the post-COVID synagogue?

Yaakov Jaffe argues that kids would be better served by coming to shul for the beginning of the Shabbat davening rather than the end.

The Next Women’s Siyum ha-Shas

Concluding our series on the recent Siyum ha-Shas, Channa Lockshin Bob wonders: What do we want the next Women's Siyum ha-Shas to look like?

Demystifying Day School Tuition

James Wolfe outlines the vision for a new website meant to democratize day school information.