The Utility of Ambiguity

Dina Brawer explores "certainty" and "doubt" in rabbinic tradition.

Boardwalk Closed (April 2020)

Hillel Broder reflects on the edges in life, in his latest poem for the Lehrhaus.

These Days

A new poem by Hannah Butcher-Stell, for the Days of Awe.

Revealing the Hidden Face of God’s Love

  Josh Cahan   Pesikta de-Rav Kahana 12:11R. Lazar said: Like a king who wished to marry a well-born noblewoman, and said, “I will not wed her...

סליחות תשפ״ד

In an original Hebrew poem for Tishrei 5785, Shoshanah Haberman addresses God directly about the pain and uncertainty of our moment.

“Looking for a Havvayah” A Genealogy of “Experience” on the High Holy Days

With the Yamim Noraim approaching, Avinoam Stillman analyzes Ḥavvayah, “experience,” in the thought of A.D. Gordon.

The Species for Change

Chana Chava Ford explains what Sukkot might teach us about real religious change.

A Jewish Story of Two Hurricanes

Rabbi Adam Starr reflects on his community's hurricane relief efforts, and what it taught him about Jewish unity.

“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...

Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef

A Year in Review – 2023

  As 2023 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. For over seven...