Did the Prophet Amos Predict the Women’s Siyum Daf Yomi?

Yaakov Jaffe explains how Biblical grammar and parables come together in Amos to teach us about women's Talmud Torah.

Rabbeinu Bahya and the Case of the Mysterious Medieval Lightning Rod

Did Rabbeinu Bahya mention a lightning rod centuries before it was discovered? Yaakov Taubes takes us on a journey through science, magic, and religion to help explain this medieval commentator’s cryptic comment about the Tower of Babel.

A Biblical Defense of Cities

Yehuda Goldberg explains how the Bible's depictions of the Tower of Babel and of Jerusalem teaches us about the risk and potential of cities.

The Problem of Mosaic Authorship You Never Heard of: What is Parashat Bilam?

The Talmud speaks of a mysterious passage on Bilam authored by Moses. What is it?

An Ishbitz-Radzyn Reading of the Judah Narrative: Binah Ba-lev – An Understanding Heart 

In a follow up to her recent piece about Joseph, Batya Hefter traces Judah's character development through the eyes of the Ishbitz-Radzyn masters.

Bilam, God, and the Silent and Slanted Spaces

For Eve Grubin, Bilam's hidden messages is a lesson for the Torah and for life.

First Fruits (Bikkurim) and the Talmudic View of Capital: An Essai in the Philosophy...

Bezalel Naor explains what is philosophical about the erstwhile halakhic observances of the Shavuot holiday.

Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?

Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.

Orthodox Judaism and the Impossibility of Biblical Criticism

Michah Gottlieb reflects on the recent discussion on biblical scholarship and its implications for Orthodox Jews, in light of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's writings. 

The “Genesis” of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Eileen Watts examines the similarities between Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Rav Soloveitchik's Lonely Man of Faith.