How Mendelssohn’s Torah and Philosophy Converge: A Study of “Anokhi”

How do Moses Mendelssohn and Revelation jibe? Judah Kerbel offers some perspective.

Three in One: Creation, Exodus, and Equality

Ezra Sivan presents a new analysis of Shabbat and how it throws light on so much more in the Torah.

By Whose Blood Do We Live?

Jon Kelsen uncovers a deeper rabbinic meaning to the blood needed to "passover" the Israelites.

Two Pieces on Terumah

The poetry of the Mishkan: Abe Mezrich mines Parshat Terumah for its poetic potential.

What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership

Gidon Rothstein mines parashat Yitro for insight into best practices in synagogue governance.

Shemot: The Book Without Names

Ben Greenfield calls attention to a crucial, but unnoticed feature of the early narratives in Exodus.

Rupture and Revelation

Ayelet Wenger weaves together the personal, historical and exegetical in advance of reading Sefer Shemot.