Wherefore Art Thou, Moses?

What does Shakespeare have to say about the Exodus, Moses, and the power of storytelling? Shaina Trapedo explores how the Bard's work can speak to us during this unprecedented Pesach season.

Corona and Seder-ing Alone

How was the original Seder experienced, and how do we constitute a Jewish collective? Joel Levy and Leon Wiener-Dow argue that the collective must begin with the independent-minded individual.

The Power of Secrets: Jacob, Laban, and the Passover Haggadah

What led the Rabbis of the Seder to present Laban as a more diabolical enemy of the Jews than Pharaoh? Erica Brown shows how Laban took advantage of Jacob's insecurities as he arrived empty-handed at Laban's home.

Incensed by Coronavirus: Prayer and Ketoret in Times of Epidemic

Dr. Eddie Reichman, an ER doctor on the front lines of fighting Coronavirus, and an expert in the history of halakhah and medicine, shares a unique perspective on history of combatting plagues in the Jewish tradition.

Cantillation: Some Observations – Part 2

In Part II of his series on trop, William Gewirtz explains the principle of recursion and how it helps us interpret texts.

Reeding Between the Lines: Parallels Across the Yam Suf and Baby Moshe Narratives

Ben Greenfield examines the curious parallels between the stories of Moshe in the ark and the splitting of the sea.

Moses in the Teiva: An Act of Hope or Despair?

Was the teiva an attempt to save Moshe's life? David Fried challenges our assumptions about the purpose of the wicker basket in the river.

From Master to Father: The Evolving Character of God in the Creation Narrative 

Gavriel Lakser argues that the first two chapter of Genesis give us different insights into the character of God. The first chapter shows us a transcendent and omnipotent God, while the second shows us a God much more imminent and concerned for the lives of the creation. These two aspects are complimentary and mutually deepens our understanding of the human-God relationship.

Of Deceptions and Conceptions: Rereading Tamar in Light of Rivkah

Sarah Golubtchik suggests that the numerous parallels between the puzzling episode of Yehuda and Tamar and the story of Yaakov, Rivkah, and the Berakhot are the key to unlocking this mysterious episode.

In God We Trust or Do We? The Fears of Isaac and Jacob

Meshulam Gotlieb analyzes a midrash on Jacob's ladder dream to understand Jacob's lifelong fear, how he became so fearful and how it affected his life.