The Source of Joseph’s Dreams 

Lazarre Simckes analyses Joseph’s dreams through the lens of trauma psychology.

Shechem, Place Of Brit

This week's Parashah introduces us to the city of Shechem. Tamar Weissman examines the various appearances of this city throughout Tanakh, explaining that while it is a city of rupture, it is also one of covenant and fraternity.

Why Doesn’t Abraham Get to Enjoy the Weekend?

Ezra Sivan compares biblical covenants, the all-important circumcision of Abraham and Shabbat

Rabbinic Creativity and the Waters that would Consume the World

Levi Morrow explores how the Rabbis use creative exegesis to save the world from drowning in a flood

Jacob, Pursuer of Truth

Jacob is described in Rabbinic thought as a pursuer of truth, but many have questioned whether this aligns with the simple reading of the text. Gavriel Lakser argues that a close reading shows that it does, even if he made some mistakes along the way.

Love (and Trust) Conquer All: Another Angle on the Akeidah

Alex Ozar drills down on the point of the Akeidah, responding to Herzl Hefter and Tzvi Sinensky.

The Prince and the Precedent: Genesis 34 in its Socio-Legal Context

How should one respond to ominous cultural trends that have not yet had a direct impact? Alex Maged's thoughts on the rape of Dinah.

The Wanderings of Adam and Cain – A Tale of Midrashic Migration

Shlomo Zuckier on the mechanics of a midrashic motif.

The Ballad of Cain and Adam

Ari Lamm on The Boss and The Bible

Abraham and the 1960s – Technocracy and the Journey Inward

Sam Glauber examines Abraham's place in his society.