Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece

What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out

Jewish Justice and #MeToo

Joshua Yuter considers rabbinic conceptions of justice in the age of #metoo.

Cutting a Peace: The Story of Ketiah bar Shalom

Shlomo Zuckier offers a close literary reading of the fascinating Ketia bar Shalom narrative on Avodah Zarah 10b!

Loyal As A Dog: How to Read “Jewish Art”

Marc Michael Epstein explores the nature of animal motifs in medieval Jewish manuscripts.

The Hasmoneans as a Paradigm for Modern Jewish Sovereignty

R. Shimshon Nadel explores the connection between the Hasmonean dynasty and the modern-day State of Israel.

Social Distancing in the Rabbinic Tradition

Jeremy Brown discusses some remarkable Talmudic and historical precedents for social distancing during pandemics.

Continuing the Trajectory: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on King David’s Request 

Lawrence Kaplan responds to AJ Berkovitz’s article on the many conflicting interpretations of a passage in Midrash Tehillim, highlighting two different approaches advanced by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

Is Silence Complicity?: An Analysis of Shtikah Ke-Hoda’ah from Classic Halakhah to Current Events

Moshe Kurtz explores the different meanings of silence in Halakhah in light of recent political events

A Controversial Halakhic Case Against the State of Israel

Shmuel Silberman reviews Yirmiyahu Cohen's anti-Zionist book "I will Await Him."

The Forgotten Mourners

What is the halakhic status of those mourning the loss of their parents-in-law? Aaron Ross, inspired by his personal experience, grapples with the lack of formal aveilut rituals for non-biological relatives.