The Problem of Mosaic Authorship You Never Heard of: What is Parashat Bilam?

The Talmud speaks of a mysterious passage on Bilam authored by Moses. What is it?

Two Paradigms of Teshuvah?

Yehoshua Pfeffer on self-abnegating vs. life-affirming teshuva.

Permission to Forbid: New Gezeirot in the History of Halakhah

Are today's rabbis allowed to initiate new prohibitions? Aryeh Klapper analyzes a responsum on the issue of halakhic innovation regarding new technologies.

Where in my Apartment Should I Light my Hanukkah Lamps?

Dan Margulies explores various opinions on where to light a Hanukah Lamp in dorms and apartments.

Hippocratic Healthcare and Christian Absolutism: Can Halakhah Allow for Compassionate Euthanasia?

Leead Staller argues for a more nuanced approach to euthanasia in Halakha.

“Doctor, I Need My Rabbi”: How can Halakhah be Practical in Medical Ethics?

Zackary Sholem Berger Reviews Rabbi Jason Weiner's Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making.

Confronting God on Tishah Be-Av in Yehudah ha-Levi’s Yom Akhpi Hikhbadti

Yosef Lindell examines how Yehudah ha-Levi's kinnah about the bubbling blood of Zechariah modifies the story found in Talmudic sources and thus tackles the question of theodicy.

American Football: A Case Study in the Limits of Halakhah and the Claim of...

Jeffrey Fox examines whether watching football is problematic from a Torah point of view.

Letter to the Editor: Response to Leead Staller on Euthanasia

Can Halakhah really countenance euthanasia? Alan Jotkowitz responds to Leead Staller

Vaccine Triage in Jewish Ethics – an Intermediate Approach

Aryeh Dienstag and Penina Dienstag respond to the articles by Sharon Galper-Grossman, Shamai Grossman, and Alan Jotkowitz regarding vaccine allocation.