There Are No Lights in War: We Need a Different Religious Language

A growing list of dati le’umi leaders and thinkers frame war as a desirable state and even an opportunity for spiritual elevation. Religious Israeli activist Ariel Shwartz traces this trend with alarm and argues that it contradicts deep-rooted Torah values. Translated by Mordechai Blau.

A Call for Order: Maimonides and the Mishnah

Yaakov Taubes explores the background to Maimonides’s explanation for how the Mishnah is ordered.

Subjective Experience in Halakhah: Music During Sefirah as a Case Study

Judah Kerbel explores how differing approaches to listening to music during Sefirat ha-Omer balance the appropriate role for subjectivity in halakhic decision-making.

Rabbinic Moral Psychology

Chaim Trachtman explores the relationship between moral instincts and rational thinking in Rabbinic Psychology.

The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics

Shlomo Zuckier explores some surprising connections between the Talmud and the field of behavioral economics.

From Lawlessness to Respectability: A Response to Eli Putterman

Lawrence Kaplan responds to Eli Putterman's essay on Reish Laqish and sexuality.

The Downside of Digital Democratization: A Response to Zev Eleff

Sarah Rudolph responds to Zev Eleff's article on "Digital Democratization".

Hillel’s Living God

Tzvi Sinensky offers a fresh look at one of Rabbinic Judaism's most important mottos.

Does the Torah Care About Your Feelings?

Josh Yuter looks at the ways that Halakha takes into consideration, and responds to, human feelings.

Of Warriors and Wolves

In these difficult times for Israel, Aharon Frazer of Alon Shvut is thinking about the fundamental sanctity of human life and the long game. Can war and weapons really take us toward the messianic age?