Hillel’s Living God

Tzvi Sinensky offers a fresh look at one of Rabbinic Judaism's most important mottos.

Gilgamesh and the Rabbis: Knowledge and its Price from Uruk to the Beit Midrash

What do Adam, Enkidu, and Reish Lakish all have in common? Eli Putterman explores.

Jewish Law

What is Jewish Law? Uncovering a Debate between the Tur and the Ran

Lehrhaus Editor Shlomo Zuckier examines two divergent understandings of Jewish law.

Christians, the Talmud, and American Politics

Ari Lamm explores a recent instance of talmudic censorship, as well as its implications for thinking about Jewish-Christian relations and American society at large.

Between “Reid” and Learning: Behag on Sefirat Ha-Omer

Tzvi Sinensky comments on the pitfalls of being overly dependent on the "Talmudic reid."

Streamlining Services: What Can we Learn from High Holidays 5781?

Many synagogue goers found the abbreviated High Holiday services we recently concluded quite appealing. Need we eventually go back to the way it was before coronavirus? Not really, argues Moshe Kurtz, surveying the substantial halakhic support for shortening the services every year.

“Turn it and Turn it, for all is in It:” Ilana Kurshan and the...

The most enjoyable feature of the book is the brilliant and creative integration of the daily Talmudic folio Kurshan studies with experiences of her life.

What Could (and Couldn’t) the Rabbis Do?

What sort of powers did Hazal have in the first century? Ari Lamm wonders.

Of Warriors and Wolves

In these difficult times for Israel, Aharon Frazer of Alon Shvut is thinking about the fundamental sanctity of human life and the long game. Can war and weapons really take us toward the messianic age?

The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics

Shlomo Zuckier explores some surprising connections between the Talmud and the field of behavioral economics.