Tags Philanthropy
Tag: Philanthropy
Extra-Communal Philanthropy – Forbidden, Permitted, or Mandated?
Mikey Lebrett examines the various Halakhic opinions on giving charity to non-Jewish people and causes.
Purim, Poverty, And Propriety—Three Talmudic Stories
Dan Ornstein explains how three Talmudic stories about mishloah manot and matanot le-evyonim on Purim can sensitize us to how to relate to the recipients of these gifts.
Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters
Hillel David Rap responds to Jordan Soffer and Jay Kelman.
To Lower Tuition Costs, Stop Donating to Schools and Start a...
Hillel David Rapp comments on the connection between Jewish philanthropy and day school tuition.
Will we support the day school of tomorrow?
Hillel David Rapp proposes reinventing Day School philanthropy.