Tags Israel

Tag: Israel

The Yemima Method: An Israeli Psychological-Spiritual Approach

Yael Unterman reflects on the Yemima Method, the psycho-spiritual approach little-known in America but quickly growing in popularity in Israel.

On Religious Jewish Counterculture in Translation

Avinoam Stillman argues that the uniqueness of Yaakov Nagen's newly-translated book lies in its eclecticism and down-to-earth relevance to everyday life.

Life Between the Lines

Rav Dov Zinger discusses his innovative perspective on education, and why its important to listen to what happens beyond the back and forth of the classroom.

Shas’ Rav Ovadia: Omnipresent “Abba” Looks Down From Above

Meshulam Gotlieb responds to Shaul Seidler-Feller with his own interpretation of Shas' 2019 political campaign.

“Answer Us in the Merit of Our Master, Answer Us:” An...

Shaul Seidler-Feller Introduction Early last week, a friend forwarded me a recently-published video produced in Israel. When it began to play, I was quickly taken in...

Refusing to Bury Family Members of a Get Refuser: A Dramatic...

Ari Elias-Bachrach examines the Israel Cheif Rabbi's recent decision not to bury the mother of a get-refuser.

The Voice and the Sword: A Meta-Narrative in Rashi

Dan Jutan locates a fascinating meta-narrative within Rashi's commentary.

Personalizing Torah for Today’s Student: Lessons from Israel

Jay Goldmintz adds his voice to the discussion on Modern Orthodox Talmud Curriculum.

Catching up to Israel: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Reflection on the Post-Pesah...

Shmuel Hain comments on the leap year parshah-gap between Israel and the Diaspora.

A Controversial Halakhic Case Against the State of Israel

Shmuel Silberman reviews Yirmiyahu Cohen's anti-Zionist book "I will Await Him."