Religious Zionism: A View from the United Kingdom

How is the U.K. community dealing with the meteoric rise in antisemitic acts since the outbreak of war? Michael Harris, a community rabbi, professor, and father of an Israeli soldier, shares his unique perspective.

Strength in This Time

Rachel Sharansky-Danziger limns the deep collective pain of October 7th on Israelis and forges a way forward amidst its intensity.

The Great Reckoning: Is It Time to Rethink Higher Education for Jewish Students?

In this next installment in our Israel symposium, Erica Brown argues that for Jewish students after October 7, choosing secular college is just not the choice it used to be.

Diaspora Identity in the Wake of October 7th

Historian Malka Simkovich explores ancient diasporic responses to collective trauma and what they can tell us about our responses to the aftermath of October 7th.