Who Will Defend Maimonides? Rav Soloveitchik on the Mishneh Torah and the Guide

With the aid of some new primary sources, David Curwin offers a fresh view of the Rav's embrace of Rambam and his most important writings.

Cultural Migrations of a Hanukkah Pilgrimage

Elli Fischer explores the ideological components of developments in Hanukkah traditions.

Halakhah and Social Change

A response to Yosef Bronstein's study on Halakhah's engagement with societal norms

There’s No Need to Sacrifice Sacrifice: A Response to Rabbi Herzl Hefter

Tzvi Sinensky responds to Herzl Hefter's Akeida essay.

Shadal, García Márquez, and the Stain of Honor

Daniel Klein on how violence in the Bible plays out in the writings of Shadal and Gabriel Gárcia Márquez

“She Should Carry Out All Her Deeds According to His Directives:” A Halakhah in...

Does the Rambam means what he says about gender relations? Yosef Bronstein surveys the intellectual landscape.

Rebbe Without Walls: The Slonimer Sensation

Tzvi Sinensky on The Slonimer's contemporary popularity

The Patron Saint of Rabbis’ Kids

The father heard the voice of God, Elli Fischer explains, but the son ends up with the blade on his neck.

Gedolim Cards and the Commodification of Rabbi-Saints

Zev Eleff on a uniquely American Jewish "righteous commodity" Gedolim Cards

To Rebeccah

Aryeh Klapper recreating a patriarchal voice.