Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and...
Steven Weiner writes on the significance of tears on Tishah Be-Av and how they relate to the thanks of birkat ha-mazon.
Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece
What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out
The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism
Dr. Chaim Trachtman explores the role of essentialism within Orthodox Judaism
Divinity Redefined- Review of Christine Hayes, What’s Divine About Divine Law?: Early Perspectives
Rabbi Daniel Reifman reviews Christine Hayes' Whats Divine about Divine Law?
Nine Measures
Tehila Wenger offers a short story on loss, eternity, and olive trees .
A poem on parshat Korach by Zohar Atkins
After Lag: Two Readings on The ‘Self-Praise’ of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai
Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld offers insight into the nature of the Jewish mystical tradition by examining some of Rashbi's stories.
“Doctor, I Need My Rabbi”: How can Halakhah be Practical in Medical Ethics?
Zackary Sholem Berger Reviews Rabbi Jason Weiner's Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making.
Digital Discourse and the Democratization of Jewish Learning
Zev Eleff draws on lessons of nineteenth century print culture to help grapple with the Digital Age.
First Fruits (Bikkurim) and the Talmudic View of Capital: An Essai in the Philosophy...
Bezalel Naor explains what is philosophical about the erstwhile halakhic observances of the Shavuot holiday.