The Christian Monks Who Saved Jewish History

Malka Simkovich hunts for Jewish texts in some unlikely places.

Malbim’s Paean to (Ben Azzai’s) Kantian Ethics

Francis Nataf explores Malbim’s sophisticated engagement with Kantian ethics.

Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader

Batya Hefter explores Moses' development as a leader

The Vital Principles of Judaism in Our beloved Country: An Early Twentieth Century...

Lehrhaus is proud to present Rabbi Henry Schneeberger's 1911 sermon in honor of Thanksgiving.

Aveirah li-shmah in the Thought of R. Nachum Rabinovitch zt”l

David Silverstein explores Rabbi Nachum Rabinovich’s approach to Aveirah Li-Shmah and how this relates to his broader concept of autonomy as a halakhic value.

Is Liberal Zionism Dead?

Steven Gotlib reviews Shaul Magid’s new, provocative book about a contemplated “counter-Zionist” future for Israel.

Can You See the Light and the Darkness?

Zach Truboff draws upon the thought of Rav Kook and Rav Shagar to explore the themes of light and darkness and their application to Hanukkah.

Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman

Josh Rosenfeld delves into the world of Rabbi Menachem Froman.

Cultural Heritage in an Age of Genocide

Matthew Omolesky considers the importance of culture in the face of genocide.

What is Yerushalmi Shekalim Doing in the Babylonian Talmud?

As Daf Yomi learners begin studying Shekalim, Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg offers an erudite answer to the question: What is Yerushalmi Shekalim doing in the Babylonian Talmud?