On Racism and the Torah

Is the Mishnah racist? To answer the question, begs Elli Fischer, is to get a better understanding of both Judaism and Race

On Religious Jewish Counterculture in Translation

Avinoam Stillman argues that the uniqueness of Yaakov Nagen's newly-translated book lies in its eclecticism and down-to-earth relevance to everyday life.

The Odds of Orthodoxy

Steven Gotlib reviews Sam Leben’s book A Guide for the Jewish Undecided: A Philosopher Makes the Case for Orthodox Judaism.

Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation

Gil Perl draws from Rav Shagar to argue that "Postmodern Orthodoxy turns its gaze inward toward the conflicts raging within the individual as he or she seeks out meaning and strives for relevance.

The New Jewish Philosophy of Rav Shagar

Continuing the conversation, Dr. Miriam Feldmann-Kaye introduces postmodernism and responds to some critics of Rav Shagar.

The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu

Zev Eleff on a perennially interesting portion of the liturgy.

Retiring My Modern Orthodox DeLorean

Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder and some reflections on "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors

Chaim Trachtman squares biology with Spinoza and Maimonides.

The Arrival of Rabbi Soloveitchik in America: A Documentary Report

Yisrael Kashkin and Jeffrey Saks provide a timeline for the Rav's American arrival.

Chabon, Safran Foer, and the Great Jewish American Novel

Ari Hoffman explores the expansive visions of Jewish peoplehood embedded in two major, recently published novels