Revealing the Hidden Face of God’s Love

  Josh Cahan   Pesikta de-Rav Kahana 12:11R. Lazar said: Like a king who wished to marry a well-born noblewoman, and said, “I will not wed her...

Giving Shape to Abstraction: Illustrating Redemption in the Book of Ruth

Benjamin Marcus was commissioned to create illustrations for an illuminated manuscript of the Book of Ruth. In this one-of-a-kind article, he shares his challenges, his discoveries, and his art.

The Giving of the Torah and the Beginning of Eternity: Reflections on Revelation, Innovation,...

Eli Rubin reflects on the meaning of revelation, innovation, and history at the giving of the Torah.

Yatziv Pitgam: Poetry as Talmud Commentary

How should we understand Yatziv Pitgam, the enigmatic poem recited in the Haftarah for the second day of Shavuot? Tzvi Novick’s close reading reveals it to be a paean to the Torah and those who study it.

The Reward for Honoring Our Parents

Ezra Sivan challenges our understanding of the fifth commandment and all of Sefer Devarim.

Good Flies Out of its Prison

Abe Mezrich presents a poem on the Book of Ruth.

Modest, Ethical, Scholarly, or Inventive Perspectives on Ruth, a Biblical Heroine

Yaakov Jaffe examines different views on which of Ruth's attributes first sparked Boaz's attention, and explores what that means about how we define a Jewish hero.

Personal Autonomy in the Thought of R. Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch

Can individual autonomy be reconciled with the practice of Halakhah? It can and must, insisted Rav Nachum Rabinovich zz"l. In honor of Rav Rabinovich's sheloshim this past Thursday, David Silverstein explains.

In Six Barleys were Wrapped an Enduring Legacy

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan examines the significance of the six barleys that Boaz gives Ruth in light of the story of Rachel, Leah, and the duda'im.

‘May Memories Rise’- On the Meaning of ‘Ya’aleh ve-Yavo’

Ben Lorber reflects on the meaning of ya'aleh ve-yavo.